Profile report for Libbarhedi

Block: Narsan, District: Haridwar

Census Code: 56541, SOI Code: Not Known


Total:10145 SC:3409 SC:2 HH:1753

Road Segments that cross the village:

Segment ID Segment Name Distance from Village (km) At KM Connected on
418 Upper Ganga Canal Road (Asafnagar Manglor-Libbarhedi) 1.000 5 2018-03-30 00:00:00
2471 Delhi Niti Pass (NH 58) to Libberhedi road 1.000 1
2484 Libberhedi to Bharatpur road 1.000 1
2499 Road from town Mangalore to Village Libberhedi. 1.000 2
2520 Road from Brajveer Bagh towards the bridge of Rajwah in village Libberhedi. 1.000 1 2018-03-30 00:00:00
2536 Liberhadi to Nagla China road 1.000 1
7567 Motor road towards canal Byepass near bye Devbhumi Public School in village Libbarhedi Bharatpur. : . 0.500 1 2022-03-30 00:00:00