Profile report for Raisi

Block: Laksar, District: Haridwar

Census Code: 56856, SOI Code: Not Known


Total:3673 SC:885 SC:9 HH:650

Road Segments that cross the village:

Segment ID Segment Name Distance from Village (km) At KM Connected on
89 Shahpur Bhogpur Niranjanpur Raisi state highway 0.000 22
2366 Raisi Railway station to village Raisi motor road 0.000 1
2647 Raisi Bhagpur road to Nandpur road. 1.000 1 2010-03-30 00:00:00
8284 Roorkee Landhora Laksar Balawali state highway 0.100 27 1980-03-30 00:00:00