MISPWD Complaint Details
  • Individual Patch Reporting Event

Feedback ID: 1003

Current Status: reverted

Office: PD Haridwar

Office not Auto Identified Through GIS

District: Haridwar

Feedack Description

Water logging problem not resolved. Other colony water entering in mayur vihar colony. The reason is while road construction a nali of other colony has been completely covered by locking tiles. As soon in third photo. Water also returning in colony from main road Nala because down town hotel has blocked Nala completely with tiles no opening space for cleaning.

Landmark: Mayur vihar colony
As Per Google Address : 13, Sharda Nagar, Haridwar, Uttarakhand 249408, India

Submitted By : -

Himanshu Chamoli , 5 Feebacks

On 04 Jul 2023

29.922956666667N 78.11903E

No Nearby Road Available

Identified By District

Nearby complaints and Distance(m)

within: m

Status Time Line

  • 04 Jul 2023 (1 year ago) Received

  • 04 Jul 2023 (1 year ago) reverted

  • reverted on 04 Jul 2023 04:40 PM
    By Ganesh Dutt (88008411) with Comment "Nala closed by hotel owner and water logging"

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