MISPWD Complaint Details
  • Individual Patch Reporting Event

Feedback ID: 1023

Current Status: closed

Office: CD Roorkee

Office not Auto Identified Through GIS

District: Haridwar

Feedack Description

Accident happened daily solve it as soon as

Landmark: Kendriya vidylya no 1 to village bhangeri mahawatpur road
As Per Google Address : Bhanghari Main Road, VW56+C6G, Bhangeri, Roorkee, Uttarakhand 247667, India

Submitted By : -

Nakul rana , 1 Feeback

On 06 Jul 2023

Rating by User

29.858352597803N 77.910770662129E

No Nearby Road Available

Identified By District

Nearby complaints and Distance(m)

within: m

acknowledged avg 20 H : 47 M

15 hour

56 minute

assigned avg 1 D : 6 H : 31 M

15 hour

57 minute

completed avg 2 D : 14 H : 48 M

15 day

31 minute

closed avg 2 D : 22 H : 13 M

15 day

36 minute

Status Time Line

  • 06 Jul 2023 (1 year ago) Received

  • 06 Jul 2023 (1 year ago) transfer

  • 07 Jul 2023 (1 year ago) acknowledged

  • 07 Jul 2023 (1 year ago) assigned

  • 21 Jul 2023 (11 months ago) completed

  • 21 Jul 2023 (11 months ago) closed

  • transfer on 06 Jul 2023 11:34 PM
    By Suresh Kumar (010094654) (transfered to CD Roorkee (3059)) with Comment "This road pertaining to Roorkee division"

  • acknowledged on 07 Jul 2023 08:44 AM
    By Mohd. Arif Khan (61006175)

  • assigned on 07 Jul 2023 08:45 AM
    By Mohd. Arif Khan (61006175) (assigned to Sonu Kumar Tyagi (42270213M00599)) with Comment "Look into this"

  • completed on 21 Jul 2023 05:18 PM
    By Km Raina (42270213F01405) with Comment "The GSB work has been done at the site."

  • closed on 21 Jul 2023 05:24 PM
    By Mohd. Arif Khan (61006175) with Comment "मार्ग की सतह अत्यंत खराब थी। जिसका एस्टीमेट राज्य योजना में स्वीकृति हेतु शासन को भेजा जा चुका है। किन्तु सड़क की सतह अत्यंत खराब होने के कारण वर्तमान में GSB से मार्ग की सतह को ठीक करा दिया गया है। इस समस्या का स्थाई समाधान शासन से स्वीकृति प्राप्त होने के बाद ही हो पाएगा।"

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