MISPWD Complaint Details
  • Individual Patch Reporting Event

Feedback ID: 1370

Current Status: closed

Office: Smart City PIU

Office not Auto Identified Through GIS

District: Dehradun

Feedack Description

Entire rajput road starting from melting moments to paltan bajar pathetic situation in capital city of uttarakhand so many pathholees every year in spring situation becomes the same

Landmark: Rajput road is again in pathetic situation with pathholes on entire road
As Per Google Address : 5D, Rajpur Rd, Clock Tower, Chukkuwala, Dehradun, Uttarakhand 248001, India

Submitted By : -

Adit bansal , 2 Feebacks

On 14 Sep 2023

30.325795N 78.043376666667E

No Nearby Road Available

Identified By District

Nearby complaints and Distance(m)

within: m

acknowledged avg 20 H : 47 M

14 day

2 hour

43 minute

assigned avg 1 D : 6 H : 31 M

14 day

6 hour

33 minute

completed avg 2 D : 14 H : 48 M

14 day

6 hour

42 minute

closed avg 2 D : 22 H : 13 M

18 day

11 hour

23 minute

Status Time Line

  • 14 Sep 2023 (10 months ago) Received

  • 17 Sep 2023 (9 months ago) transfer

  • 28 Sep 2023 (9 months ago) acknowledged

  • 28 Sep 2023 (9 months ago) assigned

  • 28 Sep 2023 (9 months ago) completed

  • 02 Oct 2023 (9 months ago) closed

  • transfer on 17 Sep 2023 10:56 PM
    By Kapil Kumar (040010191) (transfered to Smart City PIU (3142)) with Comment "It is in the jurisdiction of smart city PIU"

  • acknowledged on 28 Sep 2023 11:31 AM
    By Praveen Kush (61004034)

  • assigned on 28 Sep 2023 03:21 PM
    By Praveen Kush (61004034) (assigned to Amoolya Walia (070021066)) with Comment "patch repair work is done."

  • completed on 28 Sep 2023 03:30 PM
    By Amoolya Walia (070021066) with Comment "Currently smartcity work is being carrying on rajpur road from ghantaghar to dilaram chowk in which dense bitumen macadum followed by bituminous concrete is provisioned...this particular reach has become pothole free...road shoulders and footpath work is progressing...very soon all works will be completed..."

  • closed on 02 Oct 2023 08:11 PM
    By Praveen Kush (61004034) with Comment "patch work is done in this portion by DBM."

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