MISPWD Complaint Details
  • Individual Patch Reporting Event

Feedback ID: 152

Current Status: closed

Office: TD Rishikesh

Office not Auto Identified Through GIS

District: Dehradun

Feedack Description

Bhogpur Ranipokhari main road

Landmark: Shiv mandir
As Per Google Address : 662H+QCP, Rd, Ranipokhari, Uttarakhand 248143, India

Submitted By : -

Ramesh tiwari , 1 Feeback

On 19 May 2023

30.2018723N 78.2285677E

No Nearby Road Available

Identified By District

Nearby complaints and Distance(m)

within: m

acknowledged avg 20 H : 47 M

9 hour

46 minute

assigned avg 1 D : 6 H : 31 M

10 hour

14 minute

completed avg 2 D : 14 H : 48 M

8 day

2 hour

11 minute

closed avg 2 D : 22 H : 13 M

13 day

5 hour

5 minute

Status Time Line

  • 19 May 2023 (1 year ago) Received

  • 19 May 2023 (1 year ago) transfer

  • 19 May 2023 (1 year ago) acknowledged

  • 19 May 2023 (1 year ago) assigned

  • 27 May 2023 (1 year ago) completed

  • 01 Jun 2023 (1 year ago) closed

  • transfer on 19 May 2023 12:50 PM
    By Kapil Kumar (040010191) (transfered to TD Rishikesh (3053)) with Comment "It is in the jurisdiction of TD Rishikesh"

  • acknowledged on 19 May 2023 07:29 PM
    By Dhirendra Kumar (42009027)

  • assigned on 19 May 2023 07:57 PM
    By Dhirendra Kumar (42009027) (assigned to Rajesh Kumar Chauhan (61005304)) with Comment "Resolve the issue"

  • completed on 27 May 2023 11:54 AM
    By Rajesh Kumar Chauhan (61005304) with Comment "यह मार्ग लोक निर्माण विभाग ऋषिकेश के कार्य क्षेत्र मे नहीं हैं"

  • closed on 01 Jun 2023 02:49 PM
    By Dhirendra Kumar (42009027) with Comment "Not under pwd Rishikesh"

Images of Issue Uploaded:
Images of Resolve Uploaded: