MISPWD Complaint Details
  • Individual Patch Reporting Event

Feedback ID: 1919

Current Status: reverted

Office: PD Dehradun

District: Dehradun

Feedack Description

Gadda culture

Landmark: Saharanpur Road

Submitted By : -

Sandeep kori , 22 Feebacks

On 05 Sep 2024

30.3094N 78.020545E

Division Segment ID : 5454 at Chainage 1.025

Dehradun Mussoorie state highway.

Identified By Kml

Nearby complaints and Distance(m)

within: m

Status Time Line

  • 05 Sep 2024 (3 weeks ago) Received

  • 06 Sep 2024 (3 weeks ago) transfer

  • 09 Sep 2024 (2 weeks ago) reverted

  • transfer on 06 Sep 2024 08:04 PM
    By Praveen Kumar Karnwal (61005220) (transfered to PD Dehradun (3051)) with Comment "PD PWD jurisdiction"

  • reverted on 09 Sep 2024 07:30 PM
    By Kapil Kumar (040010191) with Comment "Laying of sewer line work in progress by Peyjal nigam under smart city project .So road maintenance work will be done by Peyjal nigam."

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