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on Wednesday, August 12th 2020, 6:30:00 pm
Work Sanctioned
fवधानसभा क्षेत्र fपथौरागढ के अन्तर्गत जाख रामेश्वर मोटर मार्ग जाख से डुबौलावैण्ड (एन0एच0309ए) को ण्न0एच0 के वैकfल्पक मार्ग के रूप में fनर्माण हेतु सुधारीकरण एंव डामारीकरण का कार्य तथा रामेश्वर में सेतु का fनर्माण कार्य तथा रामेश्वर में सेतु का fनर्माण कार्य
on Thursday, March 3rd 2022, 11:29:57 am
Technical Sanction
of ₹ 23.72 Lacs
1st Technical Sanction of Work after survey,detailed design and analysis by Latter No. Letter No. 510/01 याता dated 03/03/2022
on Monday, May 22nd 2023, 6:30:00 pm
Financial Progress
1st Expenditure
of ₹ 1361899 (13.62 Lacs ) done.
Cummulative ₹ 13.62Lacs ( against 33.11Lacs )
on Wednesday, May 24th 2023, 6:30:00 pm
Financial Progress
2nd Expenditure
of ₹ 0 (0.00 Lacs ) done.
Cummulative ₹ 13.62Lacs ( against 33.11Lacs )
on Wednesday, June 7th 2023, 1:50:42 am
PWD UttarakahndPhoto (ID 20509) from Site Received
Uploader : Puneeta Rani, Assistant Engineer Civil ,1st Circle Almora
Landmark : Rameshwar
Remark : Bridge site selection by SE sir
on Wednesday, November 27th 2024, 6:30:00 pm
Financial Progress
3rd Expenditure
of ₹ 0 (0.00 Lacs ) done.
Cummulative ₹ 13.62Lacs ( against 33.11Lacs )