Refresh data
on Wednesday, May 19th 2021, 6:30:00 pm
Work Sanctioned
fवत्तीय वर्ष 2021-22 में मा0 मुख्यमंत्री घोषणा संख्या 301/2019 के अन्तर्गत जनपद उधमfसंह नगर के fवधानसभा क्षेत्र खटीमा के अन्तर्गत सड़सfड़या से प्रतापपुर नं0 - 4 तक मार्ग का डामरीकरण/पुर्नfनर्माण कार्य (fद्वतीय चरण)
on Wednesday, June 16th 2021, 2:51:24 am
Technical Sanction
of ₹ 110.93 Lacs
1st Technical Sanction of Work after survey,detailed design and analysis by Latter No. 1604/(II)/30C-04/2019
on Thursday, June 9th 2022, 12:51:17 am
PWD UttarakahndPhoto (ID 5930) from Site Received
Uploader : Girish Chandra Lohani, Additional Assistant Engineer Civil ,CD Khatima
Landmark : Km 1.00
Remark : Pc work completed
on Friday, July 22nd 2022, 6:30:00 pm
Financial Progress
1st Expenditure
of ₹ 8627770 (86.28 Lacs ) done.
Cummulative ₹ 86.28Lacs ( against 110.93Lacs )
on Friday, August 5th 2022, 6:30:00 pm
Financial Progress
2nd Expenditure
of ₹ 210762 (2.11 Lacs ) done.
Cummulative ₹ 88.39Lacs ( against 110.93Lacs )
on Wednesday, August 31st 2022, 6:30:00 pm
Physical Progress
Physical Progress Reported at 1st time
on Monday, October 3rd 2022, 6:30:00 pm
Financial Progress
3rd Expenditure
of ₹ 467725 (4.68 Lacs ) done.
Cummulative ₹ 93.06Lacs ( against 110.93Lacs )
on Monday, January 9th 2023, 6:30:00 pm
Financial Progress
4th Expenditure
of ₹ 962720 (9.63 Lacs ) done.
Cummulative ₹ 102.69Lacs ( against 110.93Lacs )