Profile report for Bedpur

Block: Roorkee, District: Haridwar

Census Code: 56440, SOI Code: 1889


Total:2929 SC:187 SC:0 HH:444

Road Segments that cross the village:

Segment ID Segment Name Distance from Village (km) At KM Connected on
25 Bahadrabad Dhanori Imlikheda Bhagwanpur Gagal Haidi state highway 1.000 12
112 Piran Kaliar Sohalpur Mujahidpur Sattiwala Kukdawala motor road 1.000 2
2194 Bedpur Link road 1.000 1
2346 Main road from Sohalpur in village Bedpur near the school of Brijrani towards the river road 1.000 1