1 |
TD Bhawali |
Nanital |
इस मार्ग पर कई बार रिपेयरिंग कार्य हुआ है, परंतु रिपेयर होने के बाद या तो इसे वापस खोद दिया जाता है,... |
Patch is repaired by Cement concrete |
2024-09-19 10:59:57 |
closed since 4 months ago
2024-10-17 10:06:51 |
Himanshu sanwal
2 |
TD Bhawali |
Nanital |
Still awaiting your response on my previous feedback |
Please check and resolve as road is under nagar Panchayat jurisdiction |
2024-09-18 06:53:15 |
reverted since 5 months ago
2024-09-19 14:34:32 |
Rohin Chand
3 |
TD Bhawali |
Nanital |
This is to inform you that the approach road to Raksha Retreat was made by PWD . Even the continuati... |
Road belongs to Nagar Panchayat Bhimtal. Please resolve. |
2024-09-13 15:49:37 |
reverted since 5 months ago
2024-09-19 14:33:06 |
Rohin Chand
4 |
TD Bhawali |
Nanital |
The approach road to Raksha Retreat which connects to bhimtal has developed a lot of potholes. If no... |
Road belongs to Nagar panchayat bhimtal. |
2024-08-28 11:01:28 |
closed since 5 months ago
2024-09-11 14:33:05 |
Rohin Chand
5 |
TD Bhawali |
Almora |
Please patchup ... |
शिकायत कर्ता से हुई वार्ता के अनुसार यह शिकायत मोतियापाथर SH 10 के chainage 60.800 से आगे की है जो p... |
2024-05-15 15:49:04 |
closed since 8 months ago
2024-06-09 17:37:34 |
Rajesh Chandra
6 |
TD Bhawali |
Almora |
Road needs patchups |
शिकायतकर्ता से हुई वार्ता के अनुसार यह शिकायत अस्थाई खंड लो नि वि भवाली में पड़ने वाले प्रभाग SH 10... |
2024-05-15 09:08:06 |
closed since 8 months ago
2024-06-09 17:32:24 |
Rajesh Chandra
7 |
TD Bhawali |
Nanital |
Okhalkanda malla to okhalkanda talla road conditions is very dengerous |
मार्ग की स्थिति अत्यंत खराब होने से मार्ग पैच मरम्मत योग्य नहीं है,स्वीकृति प्राप्त होने पर पूर्ण लं... |
2024-01-25 17:25:49 |
closed since 1 year ago
2024-02-20 12:48:50 |
8 |
TD Bhawali |
Nanital |
ओखलकांडा मल्ला से तल्ला रोड की स्तिथि अत्यधिक खराब विभाग द्वारा बताया गया की शासन को डी पी आर भेजी ग... |
Inconvenience is regretted. Work is not related to patch work. Further information is attached. |
2023-09-21 16:31:37 |
closed since 1 year ago
2023-10-09 16:05:07 |
9 |
TD Bhawali |
Nanital |
महोदय, (संलग्न है संदर्भ के लिए पृष्ठ) प्रकरण का समाधान वर्ष 2021 से वर्तमान तक समाधान नहीं किया गया... |
Inconvenience is regretted. Work is not related to patch work. Further information is attached. |
2023-10-01 16:15:51 |
closed since 1 year ago
2023-10-09 16:04:52 |
Bhupal Singh
10 |
TD Bhawali |
Nanital |
सेवा में, सचिव, लोक निर्माण विभाग,उत्तराखण्ड विषय: पूर्व में निर्मित जामनी हल्का मोटर मार्ग / लिंक म... |
Inconvenience is regretted. Work is not related to patch work. Further information is attached. |
2023-10-01 20:38:42 |
closed since 1 year ago
2023-10-09 15:22:26 |
Bhupal Singh
11 |
TD Bhawali |
Nanital |
सेवा में, सचिव, लोक निर्माण विभाग,उत्तराखण्ड विषय: पूर्व में निर्मित जामनी हल्का मोटर मार्ग / लिंक म... |
Inconvenience is regretted. Work is not related to patch work. Further information is attached. |
2023-10-01 21:01:01 |
closed since 1 year ago
2023-10-09 15:22:09 |
Bhupal Singh
12 |
TD Bhawali |
Nanital |
I've filed a complaint regarding this exact point in the past. They repaired it after months an... |
Patch has been repaired by Cement concrete . |
2023-09-14 11:11:33 |
closed since 1 year ago
2023-09-16 23:02:53 |
Himanshu sanwal
13 |
TD Bhawali |
Nanital |
Okhalkanda malla to okhalkanda talla road conditions is very bad |
कष्ट हेतु खेत है। जेसीबी मशीन एवम गैंग द्वारा मार्ग को अस्थाई रूप से सुधार दिया गया है। राज्य योजना... |
2023-07-20 11:21:35 |
closed since 1 year ago
2023-07-24 15:36:34 |
14 |
TD Bhawali |
Nanital |
शहीद इन्द्र सिंह बर्गली मार्ग ओखलकाडा मल्ला से ओखलकाडा तल्ला तक नालों में तब्दील और इसी मार्ग में प्... |
कष्ट हेतु खेद है। आज दिनांक 19.7.23 को जेसीबी मशीन एवं गैंग द्वारा मार्ग को ठीक कर दिया गया है। विशे... |
2023-07-14 10:52:25 |
closed since 1 year ago
2023-07-19 21:56:32 |
Deepak Kumar Singh
15 |
TD Bhawali |
Nanital |
Please fill these holes fast. |
Inconvenience is regretted. Patch has been repaired by locally available material. |
2023-07-06 14:59:33 |
closed since 1 year ago
2023-07-09 11:01:51 |
Aman Padhalni
16 |
TD Bhawali |
Nanital |
The condition of road is pathetic for the travellers as well as students. Kindly pay attention and r... |
Inconvenience is regretted. Road is taken over from PMGSY and one time maintenance estimate of 64.39... |
2023-06-30 10:53:43 |
closed since 1 year ago
2023-07-08 19:12:40 |
Savita Sajwan
17 |
TD Bhawali |
Nanital |
भीडापानी नई मोटर मार्ग में बहुत ज्यादा गड्डे हुए हैं बहुत ही खराब रोड है इस पर कोई संज्ञान नहीं ले र... |
bheedha पानी नई मोटर मार्ग 5 किलोमीटर लंबी है is Samay yah sthai Khand लोक निर्माण विभाग bhowali ke... |
2023-07-03 16:03:16 |
closed since 1 year ago
2023-07-08 17:47:33 |
Chandan nayal
18 |
TD Bhawali |
Nanital |
Road needs immediate repair |
Inconvenience is regretted. Patch repair by Cement Concrete is scheduled for tomorrow in case of fav... |
2023-07-01 17:59:52 |
closed since 1 year ago
2023-07-04 18:54:50 |
Himanshu sanwal
19 |
TD Bhawali |
Nanital |
It's been a week since my friend has complained about this holes. |
Inconvenience is regretted. Patch has been repaired temporarily by locally available material. Patch... |
2023-06-29 16:47:26 |
closed since 1 year ago
2023-07-01 17:13:14 |
Aman Padhalni
20 |
TD Bhawali |
Nanital |
ये डबल ईजंन की सरकार है मिट्टी डाल दी गई है |
Inconvenience is regretted. Patch has been repaired temporarily by locally available material. Patch... |
2023-07-01 12:55:49 |
closed since 1 year ago
2023-07-01 17:12:47 |
Dinesh brijwasi
21 |
TD Bhawali |
Nanital |
12 month se kharch hai |
Inconvenience is regretted. Patch has been repaired by locally available material. It will be repair... |
2023-06-23 15:46:50 |
closed since 1 year ago
2023-07-01 12:34:15 |
Dinesh brijwasi
22 |
TD Bhawali |
Nanital |
कई बार सिकायत करने पर विभाग कोई कारवाई नही कर रहा है |
Inconvenience is regretted. Patch has been repaired by locally available material. It will be repair... |
2023-06-25 09:40:56 |
closed since 1 year ago
2023-07-01 12:34:02 |
Dinesh brijwasi
23 |
TD Bhawali |
Nanital |
12month she khrabh hai |
Inconvenience is regretted. Patch has been repaired by locally available material. It will be repair... |
2023-06-20 15:36:32 |
closed since 1 year ago
2023-07-01 12:29:54 |
Dinesh brijwasi
24 |
TD Bhawali |
Nanital |
पी डब्लू डी डिपार्टमेंट का बहुत बहुत धन्यवाद हमारी रोड अच्छी बन गई है |
Thank you for your valuable feedback. Regards PWD Bhowali |
2023-06-14 18:45:39 |
closed since 1 year ago
2023-06-18 00:44:08 |
Mahesh papnai
25 |
TD Bhawali |
Nanital |
जिला नैनीताल ओखलकाडा |
Inconvenience is regretted. Patch has been repaired by locally available material. |
2023-06-01 14:04:11 |
closed since 1 year ago
2023-06-15 11:11:11 |
Deepak Kumar Singh
26 |
TD Bhawali |
Nanital |
इस जगह पर काफी गड्डे हैं, यहां एक गांव का हैंडपंप भी है जब भी पानी भरते हैं कोई गाड़ी आती है और सारा... |
Patch work is in progress above dhari progressing towards dhanachuli. Patch will be repaired soon. I... |
2023-05-19 08:33:12 |
closed since 1 year ago
2023-06-06 23:06:47 |
Mahesh papnai
27 |
TD Bhawali |
Nanital |
Kripaya Gaddon ko bharne ki tutant jarurat hai |
Inconvenience is regretted. Pothole is repaired by local available material. Bitumen patch will be f... |
2023-05-19 10:42:02 |
closed since 1 year ago
2023-05-31 17:25:44 |
Puran Singh
28 |
TD Bhawali |
Nanital |
There is a pot hole at the joining of both the roads and day by day it is getting bigger .. During r... |
Pot hole has been repaired. |
2023-05-22 15:13:08 |
closed since 1 year ago
2023-05-29 19:19:26 |
अभिनव चन्द
29 |
TD Bhawali |
Nanital |
जल्दी ही कार्य वाही करने का कष्ट करें |
Inconvenience is regretted but location is not traceable. |
2023-05-20 18:22:12 |
closed since 1 year ago
2023-05-29 14:55:27 |
Bhuwan Bhatt
30 |
TD Bhawali |
Nanital |
शहीद इंद्र सिंह बर्गली मार्ग ओखलकांडा मल्ला से ओखलकांडा तल्ला को जाने वाले इस सड़क की स्थिति जर्जर ह... |
Inconvenience is regretted. Due to more than 30% patch in the road , repair of potholes by patch wor... |
2023-05-19 17:37:33 |
closed since 1 year ago
2023-05-29 14:39:09 |
Himanshu melkani
31 |
TD Bhawali |
Nanital |
महोदय, मेरे घर के सामने बायपास रोड पिचले 18 महीनों के उखड़ी हुई है, जिसमे वाहन गुजरने से अत्यधिक धूल... |
Inconvenience is regretted. Presently civil work is in progress after which patch will be repaired b... |
2023-05-21 10:13:14 |
closed since 1 year ago
2023-05-29 14:33:41 |
Himendra Singh
32 |
TD Bhawali |
Nanital |
Patch work needed in this road |
Inconvenience is regretted. Patch has been repaired by locally available material for now. permanent... |
2023-05-19 15:51:08 |
closed since 1 year ago
2023-05-27 22:21:25 |
Pushpesh sanga
33 |
TD Bhawali |
Nanital |
Road is too damaged, has caused too many accidents |
This is Light Vehicle road paved with cement concrete. Patch has been repaired by locally available... |
2023-05-18 19:20:53 |
closed since 1 year ago
2023-05-27 13:33:08 |
Himanshu sanwal
34 |
TD Bhawali |
Nanital |
रास्ते में कई गड्ढे हैं एवं दुर्घटना की संभावना है |
Road is LVR and of Cement Concrete. Patch has been repaired by locally available material and estima... |
2023-05-18 19:20:19 |
closed since 1 year ago
2023-05-27 12:58:20 |
Dinesh Chandra Sanguri
35 |
TD Bhawali |
Nanital |
सेवा में, अधिशासी अभियन्ता प्रान्तीय खण्ड,लोक निर्माण विभाग नैनीताल,कृपया संलग्न पत्रांग प्राप्त करे... |
Estimate for improvement and strengthening of road is sent for sanction. Inconvenience is regretted. |
2023-05-19 11:51:39 |
closed since 1 year ago
2023-05-26 17:19:13 |
Bhupal Singh
36 |
TD Bhawali |
Nanital |
ओखलकाडा मल्ला से ओखलकाडा तल्ला रोड़ पर डामरीकरण की सख्त आवश्यकता है |
Inconvenience is regretted. Estimate for renewal of road will be sent by 30.05.2023. |
2023-05-19 10:00:25 |
closed since 1 year ago
2023-05-26 15:11:29 |
Deepak Kumar Singh
37 |
TD Bhawali |
Nanital |
आशा है जल्दी कार्य वाही होगी बहुत बहुत आभार |
Inconvenience is regretted. Third time Tender is in process after two previous attempts. till then p... |
2023-05-22 08:15:54 |
closed since 1 year ago
2023-05-25 17:28:28 |
Bhuwan Bhatt
38 |
TD Bhawali |
Nanital |
Road to Swami Gangnaath Mandir road has been damaged/ broken at several places and mud slides had pa... |
Out of PWD jurisdiction |
2023-05-19 18:07:23 |
closed since 1 year ago
2023-05-22 18:44:53 |
Savita Ghai