Refresh data
on Friday, June 4th 2021, 6:30:00 pm
Work Sanctioned
एस॰सी॰एस॰पी॰ के अन्तर्गत मटियाला- किरसाल मोटर मार्ग के कि0मी0 3 में दीवार निर्माण कार्य।
on Tuesday, June 15th 2021, 1:51:46 pm
Technical Sanction
of ₹ 2 Lacs
1st Technical Sanction of Work after survey,detailed design and analysis by Latter No. 943/29C
on Friday, July 30th 2021, 6:30:00 pm
Physical Progress
Physical Progress Reported at 1st time
on Tuesday, August 10th 2021, 3:28:22 am
PWD UttarakahndPhoto (ID 542) from Site Received
Uploader : Deepak Uniyal, JE Civil (Samvida) ,CD Gaucher
Landmark : Km-3 chainage - 2.475
Remark : एस0सी एस0पी0 के अन्तर्गत मटीयाला किरसाल मोटर मार्ग के किलो मीटर 3 में दीवार निर्माण कार्य
on Friday, August 27th 2021, 6:30:00 pm
Financial Progress
1st Expenditure
of ₹ 190425 (1.90 Lacs ) done.
Cummulative ₹ 1.90Lacs ( against 2Lacs )
on Monday, August 30th 2021, 6:30:00 pm
Physical Progress
Physical Progress Reported at 2nd time
on Tuesday, March 29th 2022, 6:30:00 pm
Financial Progress
2nd Expenditure
of ₹ 8884 (0.09 Lacs ) done.
Cummulative ₹ 1.99Lacs ( against 2Lacs )
on Tuesday, November 29th 2022, 6:30:00 pm
Financial Progress
3rd Expenditure
of ₹ 1692 (0.02 Lacs ) done.
Cummulative ₹ 2.01Lacs ( against 2Lacs )