Refresh data
on Sunday, January 12th 2020, 6:30:00 pm
Work Sanctioned
मा0 मुख्यमंत्री जी की घो0 सं0 50/2017 के अन्तर्गत जनपद देहरादून के विकासखण्ड चकराता के अन्तर्गत चकराता लाखामण्डल मोटर मार्ग के कि.मी. 41 से 46 कि.मी. में बी0एम0 एवं एस0डी0बी0सी0 द्वारा सुदृढ़ीकरण का कार्य।
on Thursday, February 27th 2020, 6:30:00 pm
Technical Sanction
of ₹ 348.36 Lacs
1st Technical Sanction of Work after survey,detailed design and analysis by Latter No. 788/09(370)yata Level-1,
on Monday, November 30th 2020, 6:30:00 pm
Financial Progress
1st Expenditure
of ₹ 2865221 (28.65 Lacs ) done.
Cummulative ₹ 28.65Lacs ( against 348.36Lacs )
on Sunday, January 31st 2021, 6:30:00 pm
Financial Progress
2nd Expenditure
of ₹ 4207799 (42.08 Lacs ) done.
Cummulative ₹ 70.73Lacs ( against 348.36Lacs )
on Sunday, February 28th 2021, 6:30:00 pm
Financial Progress
3rd Expenditure
of ₹ 14426720 (144.27 Lacs ) done.
Cummulative ₹ 215.00Lacs ( against 348.36Lacs )
on Friday, July 30th 2021, 6:30:00 pm
Financial Progress
4th Expenditure
of ₹ 95057 (0.95 Lacs ) done.
Cummulative ₹ 215.95Lacs ( against 348.36Lacs )
on Tuesday, August 17th 2021, 1:51:25 am
PWD UttarakahndPhoto (ID 884) from Site Received
Uploader : Dinesh Singh, Additional Assistant Engineer Civil ,CD Dehradun
Landmark : 40.850
Remark : Site inspection EE sir
on Tuesday, August 17th 2021, 2:03:28 am
PWD UttarakahndPhoto (ID 888) from Site Received
Uploader : Dinesh Singh, Additional Assistant Engineer Civil ,CD Dehradun
Landmark : 41.850
Remark : Site inspection
on Tuesday, August 17th 2021, 2:12:47 am
PWD UttarakahndPhoto (ID 896) from Site Received
Uploader : Dinesh Singh, Additional Assistant Engineer Civil ,CD Dehradun
Landmark : 44.800
Remark : Site inspection
on Wednesday, August 25th 2021, 1:27:53 am
PWD UttarakahndPhoto (ID 1084) from Site Received
Uploader : Dinesh Singh, Additional Assistant Engineer Civil ,CD Dehradun
Landmark : 41.625
Remark : Site visit
on Wednesday, August 25th 2021, 8:57:37 am
PWD UttarakahndPhoto (ID 1090) from Site Received
Uploader : Dinesh Singh, Additional Assistant Engineer Civil ,CD Dehradun
Landmark : 41.000
Remark : For testing to upload pics
on Wednesday, September 1st 2021, 6:30:00 pm
Physical Progress
Physical Progress Reported at 1st time
on Wednesday, September 29th 2021, 6:30:00 pm
Financial Progress
5th Expenditure
of ₹ 219647 (2.20 Lacs ) done.
Cummulative ₹ 218.14Lacs ( against 348.36Lacs )
on Thursday, December 30th 2021, 6:30:00 pm
Financial Progress
6th Expenditure
of ₹ 2628533 (26.29 Lacs ) done.
Cummulative ₹ 244.43Lacs ( against 348.36Lacs )
on Thursday, December 30th 2021, 6:30:00 pm
Financial Progress
7th Expenditure
of ₹ 0 (0.00 Lacs ) done.
Cummulative ₹ 244.43Lacs ( against 348.36Lacs )
on Sunday, January 30th 2022, 6:30:00 pm
Financial Progress
8th Expenditure
of ₹ 18880 (0.19 Lacs ) done.
Cummulative ₹ 244.62Lacs ( against 348.36Lacs )
on Sunday, February 27th 2022, 6:30:00 pm
Financial Progress
9th Expenditure
of ₹ 891986 (8.92 Lacs ) done.
Cummulative ₹ 253.54Lacs ( against 348.36Lacs )
on Sunday, June 5th 2022, 6:30:00 pm
Physical Progress
Physical Progress Reported at 2nd time
on Wednesday, June 29th 2022, 6:30:00 pm
Financial Progress
10th Expenditure
of ₹ 36000 (0.36 Lacs ) done.
Cummulative ₹ 253.90Lacs ( against 348.36Lacs )
on Saturday, July 30th 2022, 6:30:00 pm
Financial Progress
11th Expenditure
of ₹ 1408411 (14.08 Lacs ) done.
Cummulative ₹ 267.98Lacs ( against 348.36Lacs )
on Thursday, September 29th 2022, 6:30:00 pm
Financial Progress
12th Expenditure
of ₹ 93331 (0.93 Lacs ) done.
Cummulative ₹ 268.92Lacs ( against 348.36Lacs )
on Monday, January 30th 2023, 6:30:00 pm
Financial Progress
13th Expenditure
of ₹ 28560 (0.29 Lacs ) done.
Cummulative ₹ 269.20Lacs ( against 348.36Lacs )
on Monday, February 27th 2023, 6:30:00 pm
Financial Progress
14th Expenditure
of ₹ 91245 (0.91 Lacs ) done.
Cummulative ₹ 270.11Lacs ( against 348.36Lacs )
on Thursday, March 30th 2023, 6:30:00 pm
Financial Progress
15th Expenditure
of ₹ 146441 (1.46 Lacs ) done.
Cummulative ₹ 271.58Lacs ( against 348.36Lacs )