Refresh data
on Saturday, March 28th 2020, 6:30:00 pm
Work Sanctioned
वार्षिक योजना 2019-20 के अन्तर्गत, राष्ट्रीय राजमार्ग 121 (नया नाम 309) के कि०मी० 205.00 से कि०मी० 210.00 (किरशाल से चौरा) में ज्यामितीय सुधार के साथ दो लेन तक चौड़ीकरण का कार्य
on Saturday, March 28th 2020, 6:30:00 pm
Technical Sanction
of ₹ 1091.16 Lacs
1st Technical Sanction of Work after survey,detailed design and analysis by Latter No. F. No. RO/UK/12014/124/Annual Plan/2019-20
on Wednesday, March 3rd 2021, 6:30:00 pm
Financial Progress
1st Expenditure
of ₹ 4498377 (44.98 Lacs ) done.
Cummulative ₹ 44.98Lacs ( against 1091.16Lacs )
on Thursday, May 27th 2021, 6:30:00 pm
Financial Progress
2nd Expenditure
of ₹ 6803796 (68.04 Lacs ) done.
Cummulative ₹ 113.02Lacs ( against 1091.16Lacs )
on Friday, July 23rd 2021, 3:43:17 am
PWD UttarakahndPhoto (ID 410) from Site Received
Uploader : Anurag Singh Bisht, Junior Engineer Civil ,NH Div Dhumakot
Landmark : 206+850
Remark : R/wall work in progress
on Friday, July 23rd 2021, 3:48:43 am
PWD UttarakahndPhoto (ID 411) from Site Received
Uploader : Anurag Singh Bisht, Junior Engineer Civil ,NH Div Dhumakot
Landmark : 206+100
Remark : Hill side cutting work in progress
on Friday, July 23rd 2021, 3:52:18 am
PWD UttarakahndPhoto (ID 412) from Site Received
Uploader : Anurag Singh Bisht, Junior Engineer Civil ,NH Div Dhumakot
Landmark : 205+900
Remark : Hill side cutting in progress
on Monday, July 26th 2021, 6:30:00 pm
Physical Progress
Physical Progress Reported at 1st time
on Sunday, August 15th 2021, 5:44:07 am
PWD UttarakahndPhoto (ID 680) from Site Received
Uploader : Anurag Singh Bisht, Junior Engineer Civil ,NH Div Dhumakot
Landmark : 206+750
Remark : GSB Work in progress .
on Sunday, August 15th 2021, 5:51:00 am
PWD UttarakahndPhoto (ID 681) from Site Received
Uploader : Anurag Singh Bisht, Junior Engineer Civil ,NH Div Dhumakot
Landmark : 206+480
Remark : 1Meter Span RCC Culvert work in progress . 4 Nos culvert in progress
on Tuesday, August 17th 2021, 6:30:00 pm
Financial Progress
3rd Expenditure
of ₹ 7108665 (71.09 Lacs ) done.
Cummulative ₹ 184.11Lacs ( against 1091.16Lacs )
on Monday, September 6th 2021, 6:30:00 pm
Physical Progress
Physical Progress Reported at 2nd time
on Tuesday, September 21st 2021, 2:25:25 am
PWD UttarakahndPhoto (ID 1470) from Site Received
Uploader : Anurag Singh Bisht, Junior Engineer Civil ,NH Div Dhumakot
Landmark : 209+450
Remark : WMM Work in progress. Approx. 1.50 km. Work completed
on Tuesday, September 21st 2021, 2:38:54 am
PWD UttarakahndPhoto (ID 1475) from Site Received
Uploader : Anurag Singh Bisht, Junior Engineer Civil ,NH Div Dhumakot
Landmark : 206+100
Remark : R/wall , B/wall and GSB work in progress
on Sunday, October 3rd 2021, 6:30:00 pm
Physical Progress
Physical Progress Reported at 3rd time
on Wednesday, October 6th 2021, 6:30:00 pm
Physical Progress
Physical Progress Reported at 4th time
on Sunday, October 10th 2021, 6:30:00 pm
Financial Progress
4th Expenditure
of ₹ 22058077 (220.58 Lacs ) done.
Cummulative ₹ 404.69Lacs ( against 1091.16Lacs )
on Wednesday, December 15th 2021, 6:30:00 pm
Physical Progress
Physical Progress Reported at 5th time
on Tuesday, January 4th 2022, 6:30:00 pm
Physical Progress
Physical Progress Reported at 6th time
on Wednesday, February 9th 2022, 6:30:00 pm
Financial Progress
5th Expenditure
of ₹ 11598000 (115.98 Lacs ) done.
Cummulative ₹ 520.67Lacs ( against 1091.16Lacs )
on Tuesday, March 15th 2022, 6:30:00 pm
Financial Progress
6th Expenditure
of ₹ 11433000 (114.33 Lacs ) done.
Cummulative ₹ 635.00Lacs ( against 1091.16Lacs )
on Friday, April 1st 2022, 6:30:00 pm
Physical Progress
Physical Progress Reported at 7th time
on Monday, April 18th 2022, 6:30:00 pm
Financial Progress
7th Expenditure
of ₹ 9525663 (95.26 Lacs ) done.
Cummulative ₹ 730.26Lacs ( against 1091.16Lacs )
on Thursday, October 13th 2022, 6:30:00 pm
Financial Progress
8th Expenditure
of ₹ 6362516 (63.63 Lacs ) done.
Cummulative ₹ 793.88Lacs ( against 1091.16Lacs )
on Friday, January 6th 2023, 6:30:00 pm
Physical Progress
Physical Progress Reported at 8th time