All Features Report For CD Khatima
Road Segment Feature Chainage Length Cordinates Status Priority Install Date Repair Date Repair events Remark Updated On
[6655] Road from village Kanjabagh Milk Dairy to Sujiya Maholia culvert 0.025 0.000 28.9300652800, 79.9641891700 Estimation Done 10 Jan 2024
[6655] Road from village Kanjabagh Milk Dairy to Sujiya Maholia culvert 0.500 0.000 28.9321861100, 79.9596077800 Estimation Done 6 Jan 2024
[6655] Road from village Kanjabagh Milk Dairy to Sujiya Maholia culvert 0.520 0.000 28.9321802800, 79.9595283300 Estimation Done 7 Jan 2024
[6655] Road from village Kanjabagh Milk Dairy to Sujiya Maholia Parapet 0.025 - 0.029 3.500 28.9300652800, 79.9641891700 Estimation Done 10 Jan 2024
[6655] Road from village Kanjabagh Milk Dairy to Sujiya Maholia Puccadrain 0.060 - 0.160 100.000 28.9314611100, 79.9627969400 Estimation Done 5 Jan 2024
[6275] Gandhigram Umurukhurd to Saijna Bhuriya to Umurukala Marg Informatory board 0.000 0.000 28.9481727800, 79.9693925000 Estimation Done 9 Jan 2024