All Features Report For PD Karnprayag
Road Segment Feature Chainage Length Cordinates Status Priority Install Date Repair Date Repair events Remark Updated On
[1923] Ujjwalpur Sem Dharkot motor road Cause way 0.205 - 0.214 9.000 30.1800420000, 79.2221100000 Estimation Done 0 Jun 2024
[1923] Ujjwalpur Sem Dharkot motor road Cause way 1.110 - 1.117 7.000 30.1830110000, 79.2242080000 Estimation Done 0 Jun 2024
[1923] Ujjwalpur Sem Dharkot motor road Cause way 1.450 - 1.468 18.000 30.1847960000, 79.2264310000 Estimation Done 0 Jun 2024
[1923] Ujjwalpur Sem Dharkot motor road Cause way 1.940 - 1.951 11.000 30.1836660000, 79.2292920000 Estimation Done 0 Jun 2024
[1923] Ujjwalpur Sem Dharkot motor road Scupper 0.080 0.000 30.1791920000, 79.2217390000 Estimation Done 0 Jun 2024
[1923] Ujjwalpur Sem Dharkot motor road Scupper 0.140 0.000 30.1796220000, 79.2216520000 Estimation Done 0 Jun 2024
[1923] Ujjwalpur Sem Dharkot motor road Scupper 0.260 0.000 30.1806060000, 79.2221910000 Estimation Done 0 Jun 2024
[1923] Ujjwalpur Sem Dharkot motor road Scupper 1.030 0.000 30.1824410000, 79.2236370000 Estimation Done 0 Jun 2024
[1923] Ujjwalpur Sem Dharkot motor road Scupper 1.430 0.000 30.1846740000, 79.2262810000 Estimation Done 0 Jun 2024
[1923] Ujjwalpur Sem Dharkot motor road Scupper 1.840 0.000 30.1834230000, 79.2281710000 Estimation Done 0 Jun 2024
[5815] Koti Band to Ghatora Motor Road Cause way 1.950 - 1.963 12.500 30.1536222200, 79.2875138900 Estimation Done 0 May 2024
[5815] Koti Band to Ghatora Motor Road Scupper 0.075 0.000 30.1613027800, 79.2838388900 Estimation Done 0 May 2024
[5815] Koti Band to Ghatora Motor Road Scupper 0.150 0.000 30.1609888900, 79.2836277800 Estimation Done 0 May 2024
[5815] Koti Band to Ghatora Motor Road Scupper 0.300 0.000 30.1597611100, 79.2830555600 Estimation Done 0 May 2024
[5815] Koti Band to Ghatora Motor Road Scupper 0.600 0.000 30.1579055600, 79.2817500000 Estimation Done 0 May 2024
[5815] Koti Band to Ghatora Motor Road Scupper 0.675 0.000 30.1569833300, 79.2826666700 Estimation Done 0 May 2024
[5815] Koti Band to Ghatora Motor Road Scupper 0.775 0.000 30.1560222200, 79.2816444400 Estimation Done 0 May 2024
[5815] Koti Band to Ghatora Motor Road Scupper 1.075 0.000 30.1558194400, 79.2823833300 Estimation Done 0 May 2024
[5815] Koti Band to Ghatora Motor Road Scupper 1.150 0.000 30.1559305600, 79.2830527800 Estimation Done 0 May 2024
[5815] Koti Band to Ghatora Motor Road Scupper 1.300 0.000 30.1555805600, 79.2835000000 Identified 0 May 2024
[5815] Koti Band to Ghatora Motor Road Scupper 1.475 0.000 30.1547138900, 79.2837611100 Estimation Done 0 May 2024
[5815] Koti Band to Ghatora Motor Road Scupper 1.725 0.000 30.1545111100, 79.2856638900 Estimation Done 0 May 2024
[5815] Koti Band to Ghatora Motor Road Scupper 1.875 0.000 30.1535222200, 79.2869805600 Estimation Done 0 May 2024
[5815] Koti Band to Ghatora Motor Road Scupper 2.025 0.000 30.1541055600, 79.2871500000 Estimation Done 0 May 2024
[5815] Koti Band to Ghatora Motor Road Scupper 2.225 0.000 30.1553333300, 79.2873361100 Estimation Done 0 May 2024
[5815] Koti Band to Ghatora Motor Road Scupper 2.275 0.000 30.1559333300, 79.2876861100 Estimation Done 0 May 2024
[5815] Koti Band to Ghatora Motor Road Scupper 2.375 0.000 30.1568194400, 79.2879472200 Estimation Done 0 May 2024
[5815] Koti Band to Ghatora Motor Road Scupper 2.550 0.000 30.1577194400, 79.2878527800 Estimation Done 0 May 2024
[5815] Koti Band to Ghatora Motor Road Scupper 2.625 0.000 30.1589916700, 79.2879916700 Estimation Done 0 May 2024
[5815] Koti Band to Ghatora Motor Road Scupper 2.825 0.000 30.1601750000, 79.2880611100 Estimation Done 0 May 2024
[5815] Koti Band to Ghatora Motor Road Scupper 2.950 0.000 30.1603416700, 79.2888833300 Estimation Done 0 May 2024
[392] Panchpuliya internal road Cautionary board 0.000 0.000 30.2667190000, 79.2093580000 Identified 1 Jan 2024
[1926] Panchpuliya to Upper Market Approach Motor Road Crash barrier 0.000 - 0.047 47.000 30.2665250000, 79.2092830000 Identified 1 Jan 2024
[391] Simli Choolakot Ratura Khandura motor road Scupper 3.175 0.000 30.2329330000, 79.2748890000 Sanctioned 0 May 2024
[1913] Ghat Ustoli Sarpani Motor Road Scupper 0.225 0.000 30.2459250000, 79.4463010000 Sanctioned 0 Jun 2024
[1913] Ghat Ustoli Sarpani Motor Road Scupper 0.300 0.000 30.2459340000, 79.4462870000 Sanctioned 0 Jun 2024
[1913] Ghat Ustoli Sarpani Motor Road Scupper 0.350 0.000 30.2533870000, 79.4466550000 Sanctioned 0 Jun 2024
[1913] Ghat Ustoli Sarpani Motor Road Scupper 0.525 0.000 30.2467930000, 79.4465350000 Sanctioned 0 Jun 2024
[1913] Ghat Ustoli Sarpani Motor Road Scupper 1.100 0.000 30.2519480000, 79.4500300000 Sanctioned 0 Jun 2024
[1913] Ghat Ustoli Sarpani Motor Road Scupper 1.250 0.000 30.2526000000, 79.4500300000 Estimation Done 0 Jun 2024
[1913] Ghat Ustoli Sarpani Motor Road Scupper 1.700 0.000 30.2551600000, 79.4516000000 Estimation Done 0 Jun 2024
[1913] Ghat Ustoli Sarpani Motor Road Scupper 2.225 0.000 30.2524080000, 79.4519900000 Estimation Done 0 Jun 2024
[1913] Ghat Ustoli Sarpani Motor Road Scupper 2.500 0.000 30.2503380000, 79.4520900000 Estimation Done 0 Jun 2024
[1913] Ghat Ustoli Sarpani Motor Road Scupper 4.925 0.000 30.2496620000, 79.4551500000 Estimation Done 0 Jun 2024
[1913] Ghat Ustoli Sarpani Motor Road Scupper 5.050 0.000 30.2500840000, 79.4556400000 Estimation Done 0 Jun 2024
[1913] Ghat Ustoli Sarpani Motor Road Scupper 5.350 0.000 30.2511550000, 79.4559200000 Estimation Done 0 Jun 2024
[1913] Ghat Ustoli Sarpani Motor Road Scupper 5.525 0.000 30.2498880000, 79.4560600000 Estimation Done 0 Jun 2024
[1913] Ghat Ustoli Sarpani Motor Road Scupper 5.550 0.000 30.2488920000, 79.4550900000 Estimation Done 0 Jun 2024
[1913] Ghat Ustoli Sarpani Motor Road Scupper 5.750 0.000 30.2481150000, 79.4547000000 Estimation Done 0 Jun 2024
[1913] Ghat Ustoli Sarpani Motor Road Scupper 5.875 0.000 30.2480570000, 79.4548900000 Estimation Done 0 Jun 2024
[1928] Nauli Market to Thapli Motor Road Scupper 0.150 0.000 30.1985750000, 79.2883861100 Estimation Done 0 May 2024
[1928] Nauli Market to Thapli Motor Road Scupper 0.750 0.000 30.1992083300, 79.2869611100 Estimation Done 0 May 2024
[1928] Nauli Market to Thapli Motor Road Scupper 0.975 0.000 30.1967888900, 79.2832166700 Estimation Done 0 May 2024
[1928] Nauli Market to Thapli Motor Road Scupper 1.125 0.000 30.1961972200, 79.2823666700 Estimation Done 0 May 2024
[1928] Nauli Market to Thapli Motor Road Scupper 1.225 0.000 30.1952805600, 79.2817527800 Estimation Done 0 May 2024
[1928] Nauli Market to Thapli Motor Road Scupper 1.275 0.000 30.1947000000, 79.2811305600 Estimation Done 0 May 2024
[1928] Nauli Market to Thapli Motor Road Scupper 1.525 0.000 30.1945388900, 79.2813222200 Estimation Done 0 May 2024
[1928] Nauli Market to Thapli Motor Road Scupper 1.625 0.000 30.1949000000, 79.2819055600 Estimation Done 0 May 2024
[1928] Nauli Market to Thapli Motor Road Scupper 2.025 0.000 30.1944305600, 79.2819805600 Estimation Done 0 May 2024
[1928] Nauli Market to Thapli Motor Road Scupper 2.150 0.000 30.1331944000, 79.2813472200 Estimation Done 0 May 2024
[1928] Nauli Market to Thapli Motor Road Scupper 2.450 0.000 30.1915000000, 79.2812750000 Estimation Done 0 May 2024
[1928] Nauli Market to Thapli Motor Road Scupper 2.525 0.000 30.1915277800, 79.2806388900 Estimation Done 0 May 2024
[1928] Nauli Market to Thapli Motor Road Scupper 2.625 0.000 30.1910000000, 79.2795388900 Estimation Done 0 May 2024
[8223] Bagoli Koti motor road Scupper 12.135 0.000 30.1659555600, 79.2829638900 Estimation Done 0 May 2024
[8223] Bagoli Koti motor road Scupper 12.335 0.000 30.1654305600, 79.2771750000 Estimation Done 0 May 2024
[8223] Bagoli Koti motor road Scupper 12.785 0.000 30.1664222200, 79.2814472200 Estimation Done 0 May 2024
[8223] Bagoli Koti motor road Scupper 12.860 0.000 30.1663000000, 79.2820250000 Estimation Done 0 May 2024
[8223] Bagoli Koti motor road Scupper 12.985 0.000 30.1654472200, 79.2813694400 Estimation Done 0 May 2024
[8223] Bagoli Koti motor road Scupper 13.160 0.000 30.1643027800, 79.2799277800 Estimation Done 0 May 2024
[8223] Bagoli Koti motor road Scupper 13.335 0.000 30.1630388900, 79.2789861100 Estimation Done 0 May 2024
[8223] Bagoli Koti motor road Scupper 13.485 0.000 30.1619194400, 79.2799750000 Estimation Done 0 May 2024
[8223] Bagoli Koti motor road Scupper 14.035 0.000 30.1611305600, 79.2805222200 Estimation Done 0 May 2024
[8223] Bagoli Koti motor road Scupper 14.210 0.000 30.1620055600, 79.2790694400 Estimation Done 0 May 2024
[8223] Bagoli Koti motor road Scupper 14.335 0.000 30.1626166700, 79.2782000000 Estimation Done 0 May 2024
[8223] Bagoli Koti motor road Scupper 14.535 0.000 30.1645888900, 79.2779583300 Estimation Done 0 May 2024
[8223] Bagoli Koti motor road Scupper 14.760 0.000 30.1653972200, 79.2778972200 Estimation Done 0 May 2024
[8223] Bagoli Koti motor road Scupper 14.885 0.000 30.1623083300, 79.2768833300 Estimation Done 0 May 2024
[8223] Bagoli Koti motor road Scupper 14.985 0.000 30.1655888900, 79.2758111100 Estimation Done 0 May 2024
[8223] Bagoli Koti motor road Scupper 15.160 0.000 30.1662500000, 79.2747361100 Estimation Done 0 May 2024
[8223] Bagoli Koti motor road Scupper 15.260 0.000 30.1661583300, 79.2746361100 Estimation Done 0 May 2024
[8223] Bagoli Koti motor road Scupper 15.435 0.000 30.1652055600, 79.2751611100 Estimation Done 0 May 2024
[8223] Bagoli Koti motor road Scupper 15.610 0.000 30.1645805600, 79.2849055600 Estimation Done 0 May 2024
[8223] Bagoli Koti motor road Scupper 15.710 0.000 30.1635972200, 79.2765555600 Estimation Done 0 May 2024
[8223] Bagoli Koti motor road Scupper 15.935 0.000 30.1617194400, 79.2768250000 Estimation Done 0 May 2024