Detail of MDR Under PMGSY
Road ID/ Code Road Sagment ID / Name / Length Division Block Constiuency
..Segment ID : 121
kapkot karmi motor road
कपकोट कर्मी मोटर मार्ग
Length : 21.800 Km
CD Kapkot 1.900 Km (Ch. 0.000 to 1.900)
PMGSY 19.100 Km (Ch. 1.900 to 21.000)
CD Kapkot 0.800 Km (Ch. 21.000 to 21.800)
Kapkot 1.900 Km (Ch. 0.000 to 1.900)
Kapkot 19.100 Km (Ch. 1.900 to 21.000)
Kapkot 0.800 Km (Ch. 21.000 to 21.800)
Kapkot 1.900 Km (Ch. 0.000 to 1.900)
Kapkot 19.100 Km (Ch. 1.900 to 21.000)
Kapkot 0.800 Km (Ch. 21.000 to 21.800)
..Segment ID : 3144
Bijorpani Kunjkhal Kolakhal Pandiyana Basdang Jaykot motor road
बीजोरापानी कुंजखाल कोलाखाल पंडियाना बसडांग जयकोट मोटर मार्ग
Length : 24.000 Km
CD Pauri 7.250 Km (Ch. 0.000 to 7.250)
PMGSY 1.500 Km (Ch. 7.250 to 8.750)
CD Pauri 15.250 Km (Ch. 8.750 to 24.000)
Pokhra 7.250 Km (Ch. 0.000 to 7.250)
Pokhra 1.500 Km (Ch. 7.250 to 8.750)
Pokhra 15.250 Km (Ch. 8.750 to 24.000)
Chaubattakhal 7.250 Km (Ch. 0.000 to 7.250)
Chaubattakhal 1.500 Km (Ch. 7.250 to 8.750)
Chaubattakhal 15.250 Km (Ch. 8.750 to 24.000)