Detail of MDR Under PMGSY Pithoragarh
Road ID/ Code Road Sagment ID / Name / Length Division Block Constiuency
..Segment ID : 206
Dasaithal Khirmande Naini Seraghat motor road
दशाईथल खिरमाण्डे नैनी सेराघाट मोटर मार्ग
Length : 43.000 Km
TD Berinaag 23.000 Km (Ch. 0.000 to 23.000)
PMGSY Pithoragarh 10.000 Km (Ch. 23.000 to 33.000)
TD Berinaag 10.000 Km (Ch. 33.000 to 43.000)
Gangolihat 23.000 Km (Ch. 0.000 to 23.000)
Gangolihat 10.000 Km (Ch. 23.000 to 33.000)
Gangolihat 10.000 Km (Ch. 33.000 to 43.000)
Gangolihat 23.000 Km (Ch. 0.000 to 23.000)
Gangolihat 10.000 Km (Ch. 23.000 to 33.000)
Gangolihat 10.000 Km (Ch. 33.000 to 43.000)