Detail of ODR Under CD Ukhimath
Road ID/ Code Road Sagment ID / Name / Length Division Block Constiuency
..Segment ID : 380
Ukhimath Internal Motor Road
ऊखीमठ आन्तरिक मोटर मार्ग।
Length : 0.800 Km
CD Ukhimath 0.800 Km (Ch. 0.000 to 0.800)
Ukhimath 0.800 Km (Ch. 0.000 to 0.800)
Kedarnath 0.800 Km (Ch. 0.000 to 0.800)
..Segment ID : 1830
Vijaynagar Pathalidhar motor road
विजयनगर पठालीधार मोटर मार्ग
Length : 12.500 Km
CD Ukhimath 12.500 Km (Ch. 0.000 to 12.500)
August Muni 12.500 Km (Ch. 0.000 to 12.500)
Kedarnath 12.500 Km (Ch. 0.000 to 12.500)