Er. Manoj Kumar Bisht
1 year ago on 21st May
Suggestions for Policy Changes in Patch Maintenance Program Based on Public Priorities

जनता की प्राथमिकताओं पर आधारित पैच मरम्मत कार्यक्रम में नीतिगत परिवर्तन के लिए सुझाव

आप सभी अवगत ही है कि वर्तमान में लोक निर्माण विभाग द्वारा जनसामान्य से पैच रिपोर्टिंग हेतु app जारी किया गया है,  जिसमे जनसामान्य द्वारा अत्यधिक रेस्पॉन्स किया गया है।

विभाग द्वारा पूर्व में पैच मरम्मत का कार्य धनावंटन, मार्गो की प्राथमिकता, कार्य की मात्रा आदि विभिन्न व्यवहारिक कारणों के आधार पर  किया जाता है, परन्तु वर्तमान परिस्थितियों में पैच मरम्मत का कार्य जनता की प्राथमिकता के आधार पर होने के कारण विभाग को अपनी पैच मरम्मत कार्ययोजना , उक्त हेतु धनावंटन, नवीन मैटीरियल के प्रयोग, आदि विषयो पर नीतिगत परिवर्तन/ कार्यकारी निर्णयों की आवश्यकता प्रतीत हो सकती है।
उक्त के संबंध में आप अपने सुझाव इस फोरम पर साझा कर सकते है।

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Er. Jitendra Kumar Tripathi 1 year ago
"In patch repair aap a provision can be done that if any complaints received to division then it should be visible to all. So that without waiting from instruction of divisional head or nodal, concerned officer may initiate identification of problem or recognition that whether it is related to division or not and if it is concerned to him. He can start its solutions even more effectively”
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Er. Gaurav Thapliyal 1 year ago
"After the launch of the Patch Reporting Application, there is immense pressure on the PWD Divisional Engineers to repair the potholes and patches with in the least possible time. The year 2023-24 is the last financial year before the 2024 General Elections. Accordingly, the state government should like to showcase its performance and create a positive perception amongst public. Therefore, it is imperative that PWD considers patch repair and the maintenance of road asset as a top priority. In order to accomplish this task, it is necessary that the budget allocation, its disbursement and its utilization is done at the Zonal level. This will require posting additional staff (AEs) for the purpose at the zonal offices. This will also require a proper reporting and monitoring mechanism to be in place. This is the first time that a direct communication with road users has been established with the help of Information Technology, but we must understand that this change will require the PWD to change its way of working and sensitivity towards public issues such as road maintenance. Further, there must be a command and control center at the PWD Headquarters to evaluate and review the performance of each of the zonal offices.””
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Er. Manoj Singh Panwar 1 year ago
"Earlier, patch repair work was carried out at the discretion of the department periodically, usually before the monsoon, after the monsoon, and after the winter season. However, due to the current circumstances, patch repair work needs to be conducted year-round. To address this issue, the following two options can be considered: 1) All significant roads should be brought under the purview of Performance-Based Maintenance Contracts (PBMC). This will allow contracted contractors to carry out timely patch work based on predetermined performance metrics. 2) For roads where PBMC implementation is not feasible, an annual contract should be established with a contractor based on the average quantity of work required. The contractor will be remunerated for the work completed. As a condition of the contract, the contractor should be obligated to complete any assigned work within 48 hours of receiving the directive.”
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Er. Gaurav Thapliyal 1 year ago
"Performance Based Maintenance Contracting PBMC is a very good idea for the situation. This will work good of the length of roads under one PBM Contract is sufficient enough for the contractor to find maintenance work a viable business proposition. In order to make maintenance an economically viable activity, the concept of area based PBMC may be explored so that a new breed of maintenence contractors is developed in the state.”
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Er. Gaurav Thapliyal 1 year ago
"Area Based Maintenance Contracting is where a cluster of roads in one particular area is handed over to a maintenance contractor for all maintenance works. The responsibility of maintaining roads in this complete area/region shall be with this contractor. An area could be a block level entity. This will help in developing local maintenance contractors.”
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Er. Gaurav Thapliyal 1 year ago
"We should collect a baseline data on the level of service of our roads. We should then compare the annual expenditure on routine maintenance including patch repair over the last 5 years. This data must be collected road wise also. Expenditure incurred to achieve the present level of service and expected cost of maintenance for the existing level of service or any higher level if service must be evaluated. Adopting PBMC is a complete shift in maintenance policy and will require imparting training to the PWD Engineers to act as client/maintenance performance auditors. Required studies and implementation strategy must be worked upon before deciding the course of action ahead.”
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Er. Sarfaraz Alam 1 year ago
"खण्ड में कुछ अभियन्ता ios फ़ोन इस्तेमाल कर रहे है , जिस कारण अपडेट करने में कठिनाई आ रही है। अतः app का ios version भी लॉन्च किया जाना चाहिए।”
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Er. Lokesh Kumar Saraswat 1 year ago
"पैच ऐप के माध्यम से प्राप्त शिकायत हेतु समस्त कच्चे व पक्के पैच हेतु एडवांस में खंड को धन आवंटित करना चाहिए व 20 मार्च तक सभी कराये गए कार्यों के सापेक्ष धन आवंटित कर समायोजन करना चाहिए, अन्यथा धन के अभाव में विभाग की अच्छी पहल दम तोड़ सकती है। सादर”
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