Segment [Id - 1503] Detail


0.16 Km

Road ID: 1503

Village Road [053VR157]

Ranipokhri maja to Basic School Telpura to Jakham River Kata

रानीपोखरी मौजा में बेसिक पाठशाला तेलपुरा से जाखन नदी के तट तक मार्ग।

Segment ID- 1503 :

0.160 Km

Top Surface Details of A Uniform Segment Section
#/ID Chainage Top Layer width (m) Top layer thickness (mm) Total Crust thickness (cm) Crust Detail Constructed On Renewed On
1/11228 0.000 - 0.160 PCC 3.000 150.0 25.0 Base Concrete, Top Concrete Jun 2009