Segment [Id - 3516] Detail


23 Km

Road ID: 3516

Village Road

Kanshkhet Asgarh Ghadiyalghar motor road via Barali to Bahedakhal Alasu Kunkukuli motor road

कांसखेत असगढ़ घंडियालधार मोटर मार्ग का बराली होते हुए बहेडाखाल अलासु कुनकुली मोटर मार्ग

Segment ID- 3516 :

23.000 Km

Top Surface Details of A Uniform Segment Section
#/ID Chainage Top Layer width (m) Top layer thickness (mm) Total Crust thickness (cm) Crust Detail Constructed On Renewed On
1/7481 0.000 - 2.000 PC 3.750 20.0 25.0 G-1.G-2,G-3 10+7.5+7.5=25.00 Mar 2008
2/7482 2.000 - 4.000 PC 2.750 20.0 25.0 G-1.G-2,G-3 10+7.5+7.5=25.00 Mar 2013
3/7483 4.000 - 23.000 Formation 5.950 0.0 0.0 Mar 2017