Segment [Id - 6069] Detail


6.6 Km

Road ID: 6073

Village Road

Road from km 24 ofTawaghat Narayan ashram motor road , Pangu to GIC via Rimjim Banku (Dharpanu) Tantagaon Routo motor road

तवाघाट नारायण आश्रम मोटर मार्ग के किमी0 24 पांगू से जी0आई0सी0 होकर रिमझिम बैकू (धारपांगू) तन्तागांव रौतो मोटर मार्ग

Segment ID- 6069 :

6.600 Km

Top Surface Condition of A Uniform Segment Section
#/ID Start Chainage End Chainage KM Condition Current Source for Road Surface maintenance Patches Inventory Date Data status
1/10475 0.000 6.600 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 Not Applicable AR 0 Feb 29, 2024