Segment [Id - 24] Detail


117.41 Km

Road ID: 24

State Highway [SH058]

Bageshwar Girechhina Someshwar Dwarahat Bimandeshwar Ida Ranikhet state highway

बागेश्वर गिरेछीना सोमेश्वर द्वाराहाट विमाण्डेश्वर ईड़ा रानीखेत राज्य मार्ग

Segment ID- 24 :

117.410 Km

Features KML Exist

Detail for culvert

No data uploaded

Detail for Cause way

No data uploaded

Detail for Cautionary board

No data uploaded

Detail for Crash barrier

No data uploaded

Detail for Start Point of Road

# Start Chainage lattitude Longitude remark Status
1 0.000 29.8361390000 79.7712110000 Start Point

Detail for End Point of Road

# Start Chainage lattitude Longitude remark Status
1 20.000 29.8008060000 79.7006910000 End Point

Detail for Informatory board

No data uploaded

Detail for KM Stone

No data uploaded

Detail for Scupper

No data uploaded

Detail for Bridge

No data uploaded

Detail for Parapet

No data uploaded

Detail for Puccadrain

No data uploaded

Detail for Delimetor

No data uploaded

Detail for Black spot

No data uploaded

Detail for Work

No data uploaded

Detail for Slide Zone

# Start Chainage lattitude Longitude remark Status
1 3.000 29.8365850000 79.7523750000 Identified