Road between E to D ,G and H block from the construction corporation office in Nehru Colony. (358) crossing SOI Shape File


1.2 Km

Road ID: 358

Other District Road

Road between E to D ,G and H block from the construction corporation office in Nehru Colony.

नेहरू कालोनी में निर्माण निगम कार्यालय ई ब्लाक से ‘डी’ ‘जी’ व ‘एच’ ब्लाकों के मध्य मोटर मार्ग

Segment ID- 358 :

1.200 Km

villages on Map
# SOI Code SOI Name Census Code Census Name Distance km no Date
Unidentified Village Boundry Identified Village Boundry but No Connected Data Connected Village
As Per Census , But not mapped with SOI Boundries
# Census Code Census Name Distance km no Date