Work Profile

1W291 :

No Pic Avilable Time series Gantt
जनपद अल्मोड़ा के विधानसभा क्षेत्र जागेश्वर के अन्तर्गत बांगा-पलना-अनरियाकोट-कत्यारी-चैनली एवं गूना से जसकोट तक मोटर मार्ग का नव निर्माण

Work not linked with IM

Bridges on The Basis of AI:

Administrative Approval Detail : श्शा0 सं0 1152/।।।(2)/14-62(प्रा0आ0)/13 दिनांक 21.02.2014

TS Amount (lakhs) : 2.43 Lacs

Financial Detail (in Rs Lakhs)

Sanction Cost :


Resanction Cost :


Tentative Cost :


Exp. Upto Last Fy : 0.98

For CFY 2024-2025

Remaining : 19.32

Demand : 0.10

Allotment : 0.00

Exp in CFY : 0.00

Total Up to Date Exp : 0.98

Work completed

Physical Progress:

At start of FY 2024-2025 : 0 %

Up to Date : 0 %

Sanction on :
10 years 4 months ago
21 Feb 2014

Tentative Completion date:
4 years 3 months ago
31 Mar 2020

Actual Completion Date:
Not Yet Reported

Rating : 100


Forest Status 19: chappan

Bottelneck: no issue

प्रथम चरण का कार्य पूर्ण दायित्व शेष। -- as on 31-Jan-2021

Physical Peramenters

Particulars Sanction Resanction Upto Last Fy For Cfy 2024-2025
Remaining Target Achievement
Length of Road [Km] 2.5 2.5 2.5 0
Currently only Bank Gaurantee information is avilable