Work Profile

ई0पी0सी0 मोड के अन्तर्गत राष्ट्रीय राजमार्ग सं0-74 के कि0मी0 158.525 में रेलवे क्रासिंग संख्या एल0सी0 नं0 39-बी पर 2-लेन आर0ओ0बी0 का निर्माण कार्य।

Work not linked with IM

Roads on The Basis of AI: Road 1 Road 2

Bridges on The Basis of AI:

Administrative Approval Detail : भारत सरकार के पत्र सं0 एन0एच0-12014/उत्तराखण्ड (2)/16- एस0एण्ड आर0 (बी), दिनांक 30-12-2016जाॅब नं0 74/Uttarakhand(2)/16-17-006-S&R(B)

TS Amount (lakhs) : 5676.44 Lacs

Financial Detail (in Rs Lakhs)

Sanction Cost :


Resanction Cost :


Tentative Cost :


Exp. Upto Last Fy : 3,074.46

For CFY 2024-2025

Remaining : 2,601.98

Demand : 0.00

Allotment : 0.00

Exp in CFY : 0.00

Total Up to Date Exp : 3,074.46

Construction Started

Physical Progress:

At start of FY 2024-2025 : 80 %

Up to Date : 80 %

Sanction on :
7 years 6 months ago
30 Dec 2016

Tentative Completion date:
2 years 5 months ago
31 Jan 2022

Actual Completion Date:
Not Yet Reported

Rating : 80


Bottelneck: Other Reason

Foundation and substructure work completed. Superstructure and Approch road work in progress. Project is Delayed due to delay in Utility Shifting, Covid-19 Ist and IInd Phase and delay in Railway Portion CRS approval. -- as on 17-Aug-2021

Physical Peramenters

Particulars Sanction Resanction Upto Last Fy For Cfy 2024-2025
Remaining Target Achievement
Jobs 1 0 0
Currently only Bank Gaurantee information is avilable